Where we treat the whole body...and the whole family!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Trends of the Cleanse

There is a lot of curiosity around the topic of cleansing these days. The range of voices are from the avid cleansers, and devoted habituates. Cleansing is not for everybody. If done incorrectly, it can be dangerous to your health due to excessive or improper methods. When done correctly, however, the body is able to eliminate toxins that have built up over years of exposure to harmful substances. The body is able to neutralize and excrete the toxins that have collected in the tissues and protect the organs from further damage. The major detoxification systems of the body are the lungs, kidneys, skin and liver, and are also the most vulnerable to free radicals. 

Unfortunately, we are exposed to toxic substances all of the time due to either the environment we live or the food we consume. The major environmental toxins come from disinfectants, gasses, and deodorizers, while the dietary toxins come from pesticides, mercury, and microbes. Toxins can actually cause subluxations in the spine. Subluxation, simply put, is when one or more vertebrae irritate spinal nerves by moving out of position. This pressure can cause the nerves to malfunction and interfere the signals to the body's organs, causing a wide range of dis-ease. On an emotional level, cleansing can help reexamine your relationships with food and eating. It can allow you to let go of unhealthy habits and relentless cravings. The list of reasons to cleanse is endless, and very individual. Here a couple more reasons why many people are inspired to break their cycle: aid digestion, lose weight, beautify the skin, enhance elimination, support the liver, and clear the mind. 

There is a full spectrum of intensities of cleanses, some gentle and some extreme. As mentioned before, it is up to each individual how far they are willing to take it, and how long they intend on partaking. Below are a number of the most popular types of cleanses.

1) 12 Hours of uninhibited Digestion. Simply give your body 12 hours to digest at night. According to Arevedic theory, you should always give your body 12 hours to digest at night before consuming again the next day. This allows your body to deal with yesterday before combating tomorrow. This a very simple and powerful approach to a gentle cleanse.
2) “Eat” only Liquid Meals. This cleanse is a way to give your digestive system a break by avoidable solid foods that are tough to digest. Soups and smoothies will become your best friend for this cleanse. The soups should be vegetable based without grains or dairy. The smoothies can include a protein or meal powder, but should avoid dairy as well. You can participate in this cleanse for as few as 3 days.
3) Vegan and Gluten Free. The general rule of thumb as far as vegan goes: avoid anything with eyes or a mother. As you can see this disqualifies any animal products. Gluten is known to be a major contributor to many diseases (from bloating, gas, depression, to malnutrition) and often times people don’t even realize their intolerance. You can stick to this diet from a week to… forever! Once you introduce the foods back into your diet, be mindful of how they affect you. Does red meat slow your digestion? Does wheat bread make you gassy? Does dairy make you sleepy?
4) The Raw Detox. Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, which means that they haven’t been heated above 118 degrees fahrenheit. Try to consume organic produce if you can. It is somewhat counterproductive to be expelling toxins and consuming them simultaneously! Be prepared, going raw may produce cold like symptoms due to a change in internal body temperature. Get your Kleenex ready! At the end of it, you should expect to see increased energy levels and sounder sleep.
5) The Master Cleanse. This is one of the biggest, baddest, meanest, and harshest cleanses out there. Whether you want to save money, lose, weight, or simply flush the toxins out, this cleanse is for the dedicated individual. Essentially, you limit yourself to a lemonade concoction for 4-14 days. The recipe looks like this:
2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice.
2 tablespoons grade-B organic maple syrup.
1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper.
10 ounces filtered water.

Final Thoughts: Regardless of what cleanse you decide to partake in, it is recommended to repeat cleanses 2-4 times a year for maximum and consistent benefits. As for any of the cleanses listed above, it is important to try and avoid alcohol, drugs, and caffeine. This is often the most difficult part, because of the dependencies that have been long engrained. Also, if this is your first cleanse, try to find a partner in crims. It is always easier and more fun to have someone accountable and to share your experience with. Lastly, make sure to ease off of the cleanse and slowly introduce the foods you avoided. If you have any concern or a serious health problem, please contact your medical professional of choice before embarking on this unknown territory. 
