Though each patient is different and no doctor can guarantee success of any treatment, the clinical results of this type of therapy have been effective in over 80% of the patients treated. The common cause of many back conditions includes damaged discs and poor spinal muscle control. This protocol addresses both of these causes. Spinal decompression creates a controlled unloading of the vertebra, which decreases the pressure to the disc, allowing an increase in blood and nutrient exchange. This exchange of fluids is something that the damaged disc desperately needs to help it heal from the inside out. Spinal adjustments, physiotherapy and a physical rehab routine will also be established to strengthen the core and other involved musculature.
When a subluxation occurs, a chiropractor can correct the misaligned bone and allow it to return to its proper position. This procedure is called an adjustment, and the adjustment enables the body to heal. In a chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor applies quick and specific pressure to the misaligned joint that is not functioning properly. The goal is to correct its alignment and cause a positive neurological response. This results in a reduction of pain and inflammation and a restoration of function and mobility to the injured area. In addition to the chiropractic adjustment, our treatment plans may include therapeutic exercise, spinal decompression therapy, ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation, intersegmental traction, nutritional counseling and other professional advise that may improve overall health.
Decompression therapy is a comprehensive program using the newest traction techniques and targeted core stabilization. In addition, we also have other adjunctive treatments in our office that have proven effective in spine care. It is this multi-faceted approach that makes the overall treatment so effective. Additionally, discs have been shown to be a predominate site of pain, so treating them as directly as possible is the best method. The combination of kinetic traction, rehabilitation to the supporting structures and overall strengthening of the global musculature makes the treatment unique.
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